Tuesday, May 3, 2011

NEW FIELD-OP number 43! help

When you will log on club penguin you will get the red flash on your EPF phone.
The message says: Report for duty at the Command Room to receive your orders.Teleports to EPF Command Room
The location is the computer next to system defender your EPF phone will flash green and make a noise when you are there.
click the EPF phone it will say: Location Found bypass the system! match your data with the firewall to break through. Be sharp! The system speeds up. 
Click: ENGAGE after you finished that part,you will earn your medal as usual and then a message will pop up from Herbert P Bear.
It says: (To Gerald the Gadget Guy .) I evah a lasoporp rof uoy. ehT tobotorP  sah nrow tuo  sti emoclew. I thigm redisnoc a pihsrentrap ot laed htiw ti. peeK ti neewteb su,dna tel em  wonk  ruoy noisiced. If you want to decode the message you will need to read the words backwards. It says: (To Gerald the Gadget Guy.) I have a proposal for you. The Protobot has worn out its welcome. I might consider a partnership  to deal with it. Keep it between us,and let me know your decision. Is this for real!? maybe herbert is grateful we saved him in EPF Herberts Revenge mission 10. Well I guess we will have to wait and see let me know what you think in the comments section. Over and Out~Gogirlcutie ;D


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